Kamis, 13 September 2007

My Future...

Selamat datang september...

Setidaknya bulan ini telah membawa angin segar bagi masa depanku...cieee...

Trying to figure out what to do? Or what you'd like to do? This tool can help you get started.
To make a good decision about a future career, it helps to know what type of work you enjoy doing. Should I go to college or look for a job? If I try to find a job, what kind of job should it be? How do I find what jobs are best for me?

Look for job?? I'm interesting more about computer and information...

Over the last decade or so, technology and the computer industry have clearly proved to be the wave of the future. And this wave has not waned in any way; it continues to swell. Opportunities for computer engineers and systems analysts are rapidly multiplying to satisfy the ever-expanding needs of scientific research and new applications of computer technology. Some of the fastest growing occupations are in computer-related fields.

If you know your way around a computer, have a keen eye for graphic layout, and can write well, desktop publishing could be for you. There's no shortage of desktop publishing training programs, and the low cost of digital publishing practically guarantees this field an excellent future. Though this field is growing and there are lots of opportunities out there, it can be tough getting a handle on desktop publishing. Here's a good place to start.

Be smart and succes...

Selasa, 21 Agustus 2007

Selamat Datang Agustus...


Bagi bangsa Indonesia bulan ini sangatlah berarti...tapi kenyataanya gak semua orang menantikan bulan kemerdekaan ini. Mengapa demikian? karena belum tentu semua orang mengerti arti dari kemerdekaan itu. Saya berpendapat bahwa kemerdekaan itu "relatif", dari mana orang-orang memandang kemerdekaan itu. Karena sampai detik ini saya belum merasakan merdeka..hehehe. (pembaca jangan seperti saya ya...). Tapi saya punya usaha untuk meraih kemerdekaan itu...apakah anda juga seperti itu?

"Jalani hidup dengan semangat, usaha dan berdoa"

Jumat, 27 Juli 2007



Sepenggal kata yang jadi judul skripsiku ini dah 6 bulan selalu mengganggu tidurku...buat teman-temanku di Kimia semuanya thanks atas support dan bantuannya, sehingga sampai hari ini aku masih mempertahankan judulku walaupun banyak hal yang menghalangiku.
Cie...sok idealis...Hiksss....

Tapi aku yakin semua akan baik-baik saja selama aku tetap berusaha. Teman-temanku satu team thanks ya buat bantuan kalian...aku pasti akan selalu ingat saat kita berada di Laborat bareng, nunggu katalase dan urikase...sampai berlumut. Tahu gak itu nanti akan jadi cerita untuk orang yang akan mendampingi kita kelak...hehe..inggat 3 bulan lagi kita harus dah lulus..Wisuda bareng yuuksss....

Semuanya semangat ya!!! Especially Bayu...cepet seminar proposal yo...jo friendster'an thok...

Jumat, 20 Juli 2007

Why Do Hindus Worship Many Gods?

Why Do Hindus Worship Many Gods?

Human beings through history have formulated many different names and forms for the Divine or Eternal. Just as we have many names and forms for other things, whether it is foods, or types of art, so too, in religion a similar great diversity has been created.

The Western world has prided itself in monotheism, the idea that there is only One God as the highest truth. Western religions have said that only the names and forms which refer to this One God are valid but those which appear to worship another God, or a multiplicity of divinities, must be false. They have restricted the names and forms they use in religious worship, and insist that only one set is true and correct and others are wrong or unholy.

As a universal formulation Hinduism accepts all formulations of Truth. According to the universal view there is only One Reality, but it cannot be limit ed to a particular name or form. Though Truth is One it is also Universal, not an exclusive formulation. It is an inclusive, not an exclusive Oneness - a spiritual reality of Being - Consciousness - Bliss, which could be called God but which transcends all names. The different Gods and Goddesses of Hinduism represent various functions of this One Supreme Divinity, and are not separate Gods.

Having many names for something is not necessarily a sign of ignorance of its real nature. On the contrary, it may indicate an intimate knowledge of it. For example, Eskimos have forty-eight different names for snow in their language because they know snow intimately in its different variations, not because they are ignorant of the fact that all snow is only one. The many different deities of Hinduism reflect such an intimate realization of the Divine on various levels.

Why Does Hinduism Portray God as a Woman?

Why Does Hinduism Portray God as a Woman?

Hinduism contains many feminine forms of the Divine like Kali, Durga, Lakshmi and Sarasvati. These represent different feminine qualities and functions of the Divine which contains both male and female energies. For example, Kali portrays the destructive energy, Lakshmi the nourishing, and Sarasvati the creative, while Durga is the Divine Mother in her protective role. Hinduism also has many dual male-female forms like Radha-Krishna, Sita-Rama, Uma-Mahesh, and Lakshmi -Narayan in which the female form is usually addressed first. The different masculine forms of the Divine in Hinduism have their feminine counterparts.

As Sanatana Dharma or a universal tradition Hinduism recognizes that the Divine contains both masculine and feminine attributes. Without giving proper honor to the feminine qualities a religion must be incomplete and one-sided, which must result in its teachings having negative consequences. Without recognizing the feminine aspect of Divinity one cannot claim to know God. To recognize the feminine is necessary to restore wholeness, completeness and universality.

Kamis, 19 Juli 2007

Berusaha memaknai pagi...

Ketika pertama kali anda membuka mata di pagi hari, apa yang anda pikirkan? pernahkah anda memikirkan dosa-dosa anda sebelum tidur, memikirkan untuk bersyukur karena Tuhan telah menjaga dunia ini saat anda terlelap?

Anugrah paling indah yang Tuhan berikan adalah ketika kita bangun di pagi hari dalam keadaan sehat dan kedua ketika anda berada di sekitar orang-orang yang menyayangi anda. Apakan anda percaya dengan pernyataan tersebut?sepele kan?

Bangun dalam keadaan sehat akan membawa anda pada rencana-rencana indah anda bersama segala rutinitas anda dan orang-orang disamping anda yang menyayangi anda. Apakah hal ini kurang sempurna?

Manusia pada umumnya berpandangan bahwa materi adalah anugrah terindah yang dapat menjamin kelangsungan hidupnya...semua itu bulsit, itulah yang namanya manusia diperbudak oleh materi.

"keterikatan kita pada hal-hal duniawi tidak akan membawa kita padaNya"

Hargailah hal-hal kecil, untuk memaknai hari anda dan membuat Tuhan tersenyum dengan rencana anda.

Rabu, 18 Juli 2007

Gayatri Mantra

Om bhur bhuvah svah
tat savitur varenyam
bhargo devasya dhimahi

Om adalah bhur bhuvah svah
Kita memusatkan pikiran pada kecemerlangan dan kemuliaan Sanghyang Widhi, Semoga Ia berikan semangat pikiran kita

hari ini...

Mungkin sebagian orang menunggu matahari terbit hari ini...tapi kenapa aku males memulai hari ini. tadi pagi aja aku males banget buka mata...

males banget ke Lab untuk lanjutin penelitian...

Frenz...sapa aku dunk...gimana nich penelitian kita...kok keknya team kita semua pada males2an gitu...jadi gak kita wisuda November????
yach...moga aja sma lancar...skripsi dapet A..IPK lebih dari 3...

Senin, 16 Juli 2007

first posting

Duh..seneng dech bisa punya blog lagi...setelah lebih dari setahun blog lama gak aku sentuh sama sekali.

Moga aja dengan blog ini bisa buat aku lebih tertarik untuk belajar banyak tentang IT...meskipun blog ini masih amatir banget sich....

I think my word is enough so bye...
untuk posting pertama gak perlu banyak yang dibahas...

thx so much....my friends in Chemistry Departement Jember University...yang mo mampir di blog ini...